Friday 9 September 2011

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Quotes:

  • Man needs  entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could  just sit  and watch this bamboo grow. He does not really need entertainment
  • Till something becomes a reality in our life, if we talk about it, it amounts to lying. The whole world is lying to themselves and to everybody about God.
  • People have come to the conclusion that body means pain. And yet, just the right food, practices and a little change in attitude, and this body becomes a miracle.
  • Once the stillness comes into your life, then the mind also becomes absolutely still. When your mind becomes still, your intelligence explodes.
  • You can be deeply involved with everything, but still not be identified with it any more.
  • When your happiness is dependant upon what is happening outside of you, constantly you live as a slave to the external situation.
  • If you are truly a seeker of Truth, Truth can not hide from you. It is in the Lap of truth that you have happened. Most people who claim to be seekers are only seeking security, solace, or the fulfillment of their desires.
  • The moment you make a conclusion, as to what should be at the other end, you are no more a seeker you are a vested interest.
  • If you know that you are stupid, you wont attach too much importance to your thought. You will start looking at life and your intelligence will flower.
  • You claim that you love somebody, but if they dont fulfill your needs, you wont love them. I dont call this love, I call this mutual benefit scheme.
  • Everybody is making Choices; even their compulsions are their choices. Choices made in unawareness are compulsions. Let us say you get angry right now. It is your choice, actually, to be angry. Somewhere, you believe that's the way to handle the situation, but the choice is made in such unawareness that is is a compulsion; it's happening compulsively on a different level. So you are living by choice, but choices are made with out awareness - unconscious choices.
  • If you cultivate your body, mind, emotion and energy in the right direction, mediation will happen. It is not something that you do, it is a quality.
  • Everyday, twice a day if you are reminded that you will also die, then naturally you will move towards knowing higher dimensions of perception.
  • If your experience of life transcends the limitations of the physical, only then we can say you are spiritual.
  • Only if one makes himself available to higher and higher possibilies, then Grace can descend and do something that you yourself could never do.
  • If you have any intention of knowing or touching the ultimate in this life, then giving yourself in parts is no good.
  • Fundamentally, the only thing you can give is yourself.
  • Blissfulness is not a rare visitor in your life, blissfulness is your constant companion, because that is the nature of your being.
  • Spirituality is about acting out of your inner humanity, if you go deeper, you'll be acting out of inner divinity.
  • As many colors of the rainbow are an outcome of one pure light, many religions of the world are an expression of the same divine source.
  • The word 'guru' means dispeller of darkness.
  • What you know as the highest, you just seek that. It doesn't matter whether it is going to happen or not going to happen, simply living with the vision itself is very elevating, is itself very liberating, is itself a very joyous process for any person.
  • Every human being is a unique human being.
  • When your Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) is based on hope and fear, you won't attain to anything.
  • Do your Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) joyfully, not with the hope of making it or the fear of not making it. Just do it joyfully.
  • You are not using your intelligence to reach the peak of your consciousness, to become peaceful and loving. You are using your  intelligence to drive yourself crazy.

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